NIE Numbers

Número de Identificación de Extranjero is an identification number in Spain for anyone who is not a Spanish citizen.

It is equivalent to DNI for Spanish citizens. EU citizens receive an NIE number. The NIE number is required for fiscal identification related to purchases such as real estate. You can have an NIE number while maintaining tax residency in Poland.

Why do you need an N.I.E?

It is a personal and unique number that a foreigner can apply for in order to fulfill the necessary formalities required by public administration procedures.

How long does it take to issue an N.I.E?

The waiting time ranges from 1 day to 3 months, depending on your determination.

In what circumstances is the NIE number needed?

The NIE number is required for opening a bank account, purchasing property, a car, obtaining registration, taking a job, or residency.

What are the requirements to obtain an NIE number?

Legal stay in Spain

Having economic, social, or professional interests in Spain

Justification of the reasons why the number will be needed

Such reasons might include, for example, the desire to take up employment or purchase a home in Spain.

How to obtain an N.I.E in Spain on your own?

Registering an appointment (cita)

On the Spanish institution's website.

Confirmation of registration

After registration, you will receive a reservation number as confirmation of your appointment.

Filling out form EX 15

Form EX 15 requires specifying the reason for applying for an NIE number.

Paying the fee at the bank

The fee is approximately 10 euros.

Visit to the office

Submit the required documents during the visit to the Oficina de Extranjería.

If you managed to go through all this, you now have your N.I.E number after a single visit. However, sometimes it’s not as simple as everyone writes or says. Usually, during a trip to Spain, it’s not possible to obtain the N.I.E number, open a bank account, and sign a reservation agreement. It might therefore be worth relying on a company that will charge you a fee of 200–300 EUR for obtaining the Número de Identificación de Extranjero.

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